Birds in Peril

How Can You Help the Chimney Swift?

  • If your house has a chimney, keep the top open and the damper closed from April to October to protect the nests.
  • Construct a faux chimney to replace an aging or degraded chimney.
  • Delay your annual chimney cleaning until fall when young birds have left the nest.

Chimney Swift Acrobatics

Chimney Swift Conservation and Monitoring Chimney Swift Conservation and Monitoring – Alabama Audubon (

In Progress: The BirdScape Garden will feature a pallet of plants suitable for attracting a wide diversity of native birds. This garden will feature plants providing food, shelter, and nesting materials for birds utilizing trees, shrubs, and perennials appropriate to our climate. Thank you to the North Alabama Rare Plants Society (NARPS) for adopting this beautiful area!

Hotspots made possible with thanks to our collaborative partner, Alabama Extension.