Third Thursday: Cut Flowers
Join the Longleaf Botanical Gardens for a special program with Chilton County Extension Coordinator Lucy Edwards!
Lucy will discuss her experience with cut flowers—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and encourage others to incorporate cut flowers into their landscape beds and vegetable gardens. This program is definitely for the beginner gardener who loves flowers.
Prior to her current position, Lucy served as a Regional Horticulture Agent in the southeast and northwest regions of Alabama. During that time, she assisted with county and regional programs that inspire sustainable gardens for home landscapes.
A native of north Alabama, Lucy earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees in Ornamental Horticulture from Auburn University. She inherited a love for forests and landscapes from her parents, both avid foresters. Her childhood summers were spent harvesting, preparing, and canning vegetables from the family’s garden. Lucy continues to garden today, except with flowers. Join us for May’s Third Thursday program to learn the art of cutting flowers from Lucy herself!
All program attendees are encouraged to bring their own lunch. Water will be provided. Third Thursday programs are $5/person and free for AM&G Members. Pre-registration is encouraged.